Biological Resource Land Use Clearance Policies and Procedures (RCP)
RCS-44-08 - Approved September 10, 2008

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The Resources Committee of the Navajo Nation Council is the legislative oversight of the Division of Natural Resources that includes the Navajo Nation Department of Fish & Wildlife (NNDFW).  It has the responsibility and authority to adopt policies, procedures and regulations that protect the biological resources of the Navajo Nation. The Resources Committee, by Resolution No. RCMA-34-03, dated March 13, 2003, approved the Biological Resource Land Clearance Policies and Procedures formerly referred to as the BRLC.  The purpose of the RCP is to assist the Navajo Nation government and chapters ensure compliance with federal and Navajo laws which protect, wildlife resources, including plants, and their habitat resulting in an expedited land use clearance process.

The NNDFW is established, “to conserve, protect, enhance and restore the Navajo Nation’s fish, wildlife, plants and their habitat, through aggressive management programs for the spiritual, cultural and material benefit of present and future generations of the Navajo Nation”.  After years of research and study, the NNDFW has identified and mapped wildlife habitat and sensitive areas that cover the entire Navajo Nation. 


The RCP Policies and Procedures will help direct development to areas where impacts to wildlife and/or their habitat will be less significant.    Development includes but is not limited to human activities that result in permanent structures, temporary, long term, or repetitive disturbance to wildlife or habitat as defined by Navajo Nation Code 17 NNC § 500 et. Seq.  This should increase certainty in planning and implementation of projects, while ensuring the perpetuation of wildlife resources for present and future generations.  The entire Navajo Nation has been divided into six types of wildlife areas.  These areas provide the framework for planning specific development projects, but site-specific planning to address wildlife resources will still be necessary, in most cases.  This RCP Policies and Procedures explains what restrictions apply in each area and describes the process for the planning and approval of projects with respect to wildlife resources.

This webpage is intended only as a brief description of the RCP area please refer to the complete Biological Resource Land Use Clearance Policies and Procedures (pdf) Here