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This area contains the best habitat for endangered and rare plant, animal and game species, and the highest concentration of these species on the Navajo Nation.  The purpose of this area is to protect these valuable and sensitive biological resources to the maximum extent practical.The general rule for this area is no activity or development that is going to result in significant impact to wildlife resources.  Restricted development is allowable only if the following criteria are met.  All development requires the preparation of a BE.  An acceptable BE must fully consider alternatives to the proposed development, and provide a compelling reason to develop in this area.


Criteria for Allowable Development:

A. Residential/business development is allowed within Area 1 if it is:

1.   Not within or close enough to the habitat to cause significant impacts

2.   Located on the perimeter of the area; if not on the perimeter, there must be no reasonable alternatives

3.   Located within 1/8 mile of similar development


B. Other types of development are allowed in Area 1 if:

1.  It is not within or close enough to habitat to cause significant impacts

2.  There are no reasonable alternatives outside the area

This webpage is intended only as a brief description of the RCP area please refer to the complete Biological Resource Land Use Clearance Policies and Procedures (pdf) here